
Bill has long been both an advocate for the use of mediation as an alternative to litigation, and a trainer and inspiring speaker to those who aspire to undertake the profession of a mediator:

The Cruel Art of Closing, Dispute Resolution Section, Utah State Bar, Law and Justice Center, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 31, 2011.

Hidden Advocacy Strategies in Mediation (on panel with Lauren Scholnick, Kent Scott and Mark Wilkey  moderated by Michele Mattson), Excellence in ADR: Mastering Process, Advocacy and Ethics, Law & Justice Center, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 24, 2011

My Commercial Mediation Practice, Basic Mediation Class, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Provo, Utah, March 23, 2011

My Neighbor Must be a Sociopath: Mediating Multi-Party HOA Disputes with  Difficult Personalities, CAI’S Annual Community Association Seminar, Las Vegas, Nevada, January 14, 2011

Mediation Ethics (on panel with Judge Gordon Lowe and Marty Moore moderated by Keith Call), Utah State Bar Litigation Section, Smithfield, Utah September 10,2010

From the Bench to the Table: Mediation Strategies for High Conflict Clients (moderated panel with Hon. Leland Andersen (ret.), Hon. Virginia Chavez, and Nan Waller Burnett), Association of Family and Conciliation Courts’ 47th Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, June 4, 2010

Remarkable Closings: Insights from Our Stories (moderated panel with Eleanor Barr, Mark Rudy, Jerry Weiss, and Tony Willis), International Academy of Mediators 2010 Spring Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 13, 2010

Outstanding Advocacy in Complex Mediation (with Mark Rudy), Mastering Complex Mediations, International Academy of Mediators & Utah State Bar, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 10, 2010

Civility and Professionalism in Mediation and Litigation, Annual Construction Law Seminar, Utah State Bar Construction Section, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 2, 2009

Calm in the Face of the Storm:  Spiritual Intelligence in Conflict (co-presented with Nan Waller Burnett), ACR Family Section 2008 Mid-Year Meeting, Park City, Utah , July 26, 2008

Introduction to Commercial Mediation, Utah Dispute Resolution Basic Mediation Training, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 6, 2008

Fishbowl Demonstration: Mediating an Asset and Debt Allocation Case with Represented Parties, UCCR Family Section, Salt Lake City, Utah, February 19, 2008

Mediation Musings: Tips and Trends (moderator), Utah State Bar Convention, Sun Valley, Idaho, July 20, 2007

Effective Advocacy in Mediation: Advice Mediators Have for Attorneys (moderator), ADR Academy, Utah State Bar Dispute Resolution Section, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 20, 2006

Report on Court-Annexed ADR:  Is it Alive and Well, UCCR’s 5th Annual Symposium, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 17, 2003

Some Thoughts about Mediating Custody Disputes, Utah State Bar Family Law Section, Salt Lake City, May 10, 2002

Journey to Wholeness, UCCR’s 4th Annual Sympsosium, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 4, 2002

Reflections on His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama’s Visit, UCCR’s 3rd Annual Symposium, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 12, 2002

The Sea Change Emerging In Conflict Resolution:  Introductory Remarks, Court’s Annual ADR Training, Salt Lake City, Utah, January 26, 2001

Successfully Surfing the Mediation Wave, University of Utah Continuing Education, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 10, 1997

The Graduate Course:  An Introduction to the Lifelong Cultivation of the Qualities of an Effective Mediatior, Court’s Annual ADR Training, Salt Lake City, Utah, January 10, 1997

Being a Peace Maker:  The Lifelong Process, Weed & Seed Training Session on Conflict Resolution, National Bureau of Justice Assistance, Salt Lake City, Utah March 30, 1996

Peace Pilgrim and Her Message to Mediators: Introductory Remarks, Court’s Annual ADR Training, Salt Lake City, Utah, January 24, 1996

Court-Annexed Mediation:  An Introduction to it Use in Family Practice, Utah State Bar Family Law Section, Salt Lake City, Utah, May, 19, 1995

Introduction to ADR in the Courts, Utah State Bar Spring Convention, St. George, Utah, March 3, 1995

Mediation in the Courts:  Introductory Remarks, Court’s First Annual ADR Training, Salt Lake City, Utah, January 25, 1995

The Development and Promise of Court-Annexed Mediation, Industrial Commission Antidiscrimination Division, ADR Pro-Bono Pool, Salt Lake City, Utah, September 23, 1994

Mediation Skills for Lawyers, Utah State Court’s Annual Judicial Conference, Midway, Utah, September 15, 1994

Civil Disputes:  Avoiding, Assessment, Alternatives and All Out War, Utah State Bar and University of Utah Continuing Education, Salt Lake City, Utah, December 8, 1993

Litigation: Avoiding, Preparing, Alternatives, Utah State Bar and University of Utah Continuing Education, Salt Lake City, Utah, December 17, 1992 

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